Climate scenario intelligence for decision-makers to lend, insure, invest and sell better

DAS’ climate data pack enables agri-enterprise – from banking to retail, insurance to asset managers – to understand and manage climate-related risks & opportunities and meet regulatory requirements in an insight-driven, actionable way.

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DAS Pipeline object

You can no longer model the future based on the past. Currently, financial institutions and companies do not have the information they need to help them understand and report against climate and nature-related risks

  • How will climate change impact my asset and farmland value?
  • How can I account for climate risk in my supply chains and key distribution networks?
  • How can we attract investors with sustainable farming requirements?
  • How can I start a conversation with my client about climate opportunities?

The DAS climate data pack is a suite of agri-climatic datasets that provide insight on the likely impact of climate change to the key drivers of productivity and production risk. It includes future projections for metrics ranging from growing season rainfall, to late season frost risk and heat stress indices for cattle and sheep. It is designed to be used alongside the DAS platform or tools.

Answer questions such as

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Grain Intelligence diagram

Our solutions address use cases from stress testing and scenario planning to regulatory response

Opportunity and risk scenario planning

Build risk models that assume non-stationary risk and emphasise predictive models over historical data.


Our scenario-toggling tool can help with adopting climate-specific stress-testing, beyond traditional catastrophe models.

Regulatory compliance and reporting

With the global drive to mandate physical and nature-based climate risk disclosure, and global frameworks such as TCFD and TNFD becoming the norm, companies need more complete climate data to respond to growing investor and shareholder interest.

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Averages conceal wide spatial disparities. Stress-testing across temperature scenarios offers a more informed view of future exposures and potential losses that can’t be extrapolated from past data, such as climate risk

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The value for you

Cuts through the noise

DAS presents models relevant to Australia and your assets, verified by science

Tailored to your decision-making
Provides focused intelligence that is tailored to your decision-making; scenario analysis for climate risk and opportunity

Hassle-free integration
It can sit alongside programmes like Salesforce, so you can see enhanced insight on your customers in your own CRM systems

Enhanced customer relationships
Have more informed conversations with stakeholders and customers

Enriches your internal knowledge
Eliminates data discovery time & help quantify often hidden risks associated with changing rainfall, heat & frost

For more information on delivery options, or to find out what your organisation can achieve with climate intelligence, reach out to our team

Take the next step with DAS

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