Grain Intelligence

DAS’ Grain Intelligence Data Pack provides organisations operating within the Australian grain market with highly accurate winter and summer crop data, four years of historical crop data and up to 20 years of historical Australian crop productivity data.

Unlock insights and drive growth with access to crop data.

Trusted by the world's top financial

institutions and agri-enterprises

Designed with flexibility in mind, DAS’ Grain Intelligence offering is the only crop type mapping product on the market. It brings a number of benefits to both the public and private sector through access to historic and 'in season' crop data.

Read our case study with the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The location intelligence platform for grain & cropping

Leverage the best of data science & AI

Trying to estimate crop production for a land mass the size of Australia would take years of research and modelling to complete the job in a conventional way. Crunching the numbers, constructing algorithms, querying enormous amounts of industry data and leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) would’ve been a job once reserved for colleagues with a highly specialised skill set.

DAS’ Grain Intelligence offering empowers teams in all facets of the business to make the most of this cutting edge technology, taking advantage of tools and technical capabilities that were not previously possible – removing the barrier to entry to receive crop estimates ahead of the official estimates.

Receive up to 20 years of crop productivity data and four years of cropping area planted and yield data, including the most recent season after harvest.

Historical Data

DAS’ summer crop area provides estimates for cotton, sorghum, rice and corn for some of Australia’s largest growing regions.

Summer Crop Data

The data available from August to November is refreshed every two weeks “in season”. Data points include crop type, yield and planted area.

Winter Crop Data

Data streams that enrich your harvest insights


Sam Atkinson, 
Earth Observation and Data Science Lead, DAS

Accuracy assessments based on ground truth data always show overall accuracy >90%, and for many crops >97% accuracy

Graham Murray, 
Agtech Services Manager, 

Up to 50% of the time our team spent collecting data from our customers has been saved through the implementation of DAS Grain Intelligence into our product, improving our efficiency as a business

Unlock intelligence to boost team productivity

Our grain intelligence enriches your proprietary data and allows you to apply AI easily to gain valuable insights in hours, not days or years. Access detailed and accurate crop estimate data to supply your own tracking; understand grain supply quickly and easily without needing to create crop estimate models from scratch; take advantage of supply trends the market is yet to quantify; and explore trends that ensure you can plan for targeted growth.

Tools of the trade

Locate crops of interest using DAS Cropping ‘Hub’ tool and see crop type and productivity at a region and district level.

Search for crops

Map individual properties and customers using the DAS platform, including cropping data at field or farm level.


Make use of flexible data delivery options by receiving Grain Intelligence data through reports, spreadsheets or directly into your CRM via our API.


Combine Grain Intelligence data with other DAS data layers or our Portfolio tool to enrich your research and reporting.


Ready to get started?

Get in touch or read more about the Grain Intelligence data offering in our information pack.

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