Evaluate & Analyse
Portfolio Management Tool
DAS’ Portfolio Management tool enables financial services and agri-enterprise to achieve targeted growth at region or district level, reduce or rebalance risk, and give enterprise customers a picture of their current market share and opportunity for growth.
Assess your market share & size
Improve and rebalance customer mix
Reduce operational or business risk
Simplify business processes & reporting
For the first time, you can now have a complete picture of all your physical assets, clients or prospects at once. You can see any region or district, along with the geospatial elements and information you need to analyse, modify or manage your entire portfolio.
Answer critical questions your business has about any agri-portfolio with DAS data and digitise your lending portfolio, allowing you to implement data-driven strategies and enrich internal data & knowledge.
Meet prudential, regulatory & compliance reporting needs whilst feeding into your ESG impact assessment, staying ahead of the curve with data to disclose against global standards like APRA, LEAP-FI, TCFD and TFND.
Evaluate & optimise your portfolio with insight into i.e. portfolio-level climate and productivity risk, with the ability to visualise physical risk at portfolio level including agri-specific characteristics like crop productivity, fire or flood risk.
Geospatially filter, identify & qualify leads and targets to generate new business, ensure acquisition efforts are aligned with potential profit, and shave hours if not weeks off finding potential customers.
Garry Gale
Adjunct Professor, InnovationRMIT University
When I was in banking I dreamed of having the data that DAS’ Portfolio Management tool can produce.
Understanding where your customers are located, benchmarking and what your market share is by farm type is now so much easier to do.
This is crucial information for a whole host of industries.
Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory
DAS' promise is to allow businesses to evolve from traditional area definitions (like LGA or postcodes), which can be extremely generic and miss important nuances, to a very strategic definition of areas and other variables where the business can differentiate itself or strategically aim for. For this reason, DAS Portfolio provides additional ways to define a market.
Instead of providing a latitude and longitude for a radius search, users can now indicate an address and the pin will be directed to the right location.
Users can benefit from our filters & additional data points to understand agri-market opportunities based on location, and in line with strategic objectives.
Add additional context to your market area search by using DAS Portfolio to see complementary information about agri-assets.
Narrow down the results of your query and export the table to a CSV file. Upload it to your own systems to enrich your data and glean new insights.
Are you ready to analyse, compare and benchmark using DAS Portfolio?
Get in touch or watch a short demonstration video of Portfolio in action.
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